
Welcome to the Pigeonform Quickstart Guide! This page is designed to help you get up and running in no time. Whether you're a first-time user or looking to refresh your knowledge, our step-by-step instructions will guide you through the essential features and functionalities of our platform. Let's get started.

Create a new form

Access Your Workspace

  • Navigate to the left sidebar and select the workspace where you want to create the form. For example, "Knowledge Base Demo."

Create a New Form

  • Click on the + Create a new form button located in two places:

    • On the top left of the sidebar.

    • In the center of the main panel if no forms have been created yet.

Name Your Form

After clicking the button, a popup will appear. Enter a title for your form in the "Form title" field and click Create to proceed.

Start typing

After naming your form, you can immediately begin adding content. Simply start typing to create text blocks or questions. To insert new blocks, type / and select the desired element from the menu. This intuitive approach allows you to build your form effortlessly.

For example, to insert question and a short text input field combination, you just need to type in /short and select the option from the popup command.

Last updated